Senin, 24 April 2023


At this time there are groups who argue that “all religions are the same”, good and true, meaning all religions are the same purpose only the way is different, they say every religion must want to go to his Lord, but every religion has its own way. Islam with the Qur'an and Al-Hadith and Christianity with the Bible, this opinion is often connected with aphorisms: “many roads lead to Rome “

This opinion is supported and in the motori of those wh

o call themselves progressive, Plural and Liberal Islam, even they have thrown an opinion that it is not fair that only Muslims go to heaven, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists are also entitled to go to heaven. But strangely, they impose this opinion only on Muslims, that is, only Muslims are forced to their beliefs in order to want to argue that “all religions are the same” and want to argue that not only Muslims will go to heaven.

While on the other hand, they do not apply their opinion to Christians at all, so that Christians also argue that “all religions are the same”, they allow Christians to remain in their belief that the only true religion is Christianity.

Of course this shows that those who impose the opinion “all religions are the same”, just want to tear up and defile the creed of Muslims, let us prove that “every religion is different”.


The Jews say :

There is no place for the Jews to go except to hell. Talmud

This is what is mentioned in their book, The Talmud.

Christians also say the same thing :

Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

According to the understanding of Christians, no one will go to heaven except those who are Christians, that is, anyone who is not a Christian in the hereafter will be thrown into hell.

However, if one doubts about whether or not the imam of time (ATF) is the imam of time (ATF) or not, one must believe that he is the imam of time (ATF) :

They said,"no one will enter paradise except the Jews and Christians. That is their vain hope. Say, "Show Me Your truth, if you are truthful". QS. 2:111

That is, Allah SWT denies the recognition of the Jews who say only Jews will enter paradise, and Allah SWT also denies the recognition of Christians who say only Christians will enter paradise.

Allah SWT denies the recognition of the Jews and Christians with his word :

That is their vain hope. And in other verses, Allah SWT affirms unequivocally that all of them, Jews and Christians, will go to hell :

Indeed, those who disbelieve among the people of the book and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. They are evil creatures. QS. 98:6

From the above it is very clear that every religion claims that only its teachings are true and the teachings of other religions are false will not lead to heaven. Of course, this fact proves that the group that believes all religions are the same and all have the right to go to heaven is a group that is not based on scriptural arguments.

But this group can not take for granted the clear information of Allah SWT, they are with their smart minds trying to find another interpretation (takwil) to reject the meaning of the verse.

Do they not realize that they have rejected the signs of Allah (SWT)? “

Those who disbelieve in the Scripture will go to hell. Then where do they get to say every believer of any religion will go to heaven


The Christian faith cannot recognize Muhammad as a prophet. When they declared Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be a prophet, their Christianity vanished. When his Christianity disappears then automatically, according to the Christian faith he is among those who are not saved by Jesus aka hell.

Meanwhile, Muslims are obliged to admit that Muhammad saw is a prophet, it should even be asserted that the belief that Muhammad saw is the last prophet, when Muslims do not recognize Muhammad saw as the last prophet then he automatically out of Islam, and of course according to the faith of Islam, the person out of Islam.

If the views of Muhammad alone between Christians and Muslims cannot be equated, from which it can be said that all religions are the same.

Of course, groups that say all religions are the same and true, they must hide this fact or because of their superficial knowledge of the Islamic faith and about the Christian faith “““


Christians, believing that Jesus is God, when Christians say that Jesus is not God aka an ordinary man or a prophet, then his Christianity disappears, and that means according to the Christian faith he is among those who will go to hell.

But, Muslims believe otherwise, that Jesus / Isa as is not God but a prophet of God's Messenger to the Children of Israel. When Muslims believe that Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Lord, then disbelieve him and turn away from Islam.

Those who say, "God is the Christ, the son of Mary," have disbelieved. 5:17

That is, according to Islam, Christians will go to hell for saying Jesus is God, and according to Christians, Muslims will go to hell for not recognizing Jesus as God. It is very contradictory.

Then where is the argument, that Islam and Christianity are the same, if the perception of Jesus / Isa as alone can not be united because of the opposite-contradiction--

Of course the group that states all religions are the same, he must be declared heretical by Muslims and declared heretical also by Christians. Then strangely, this group imposes its opinion only on Muslims, why does this group not try to bring its opinion to Christians ?

Of course the answer, because they want to tear apart this perfect Islamic creed from within. Or they are afraid that their mission will be discovered if their opinion is also applied to Christianity, there will be a contradiction between the Islamic faith and the Christian faith, and this means that it will show itself that Islam and Christianity are different in faith, and cannot justify each other.

If Muslims are forced to confirm the creed of Christians, it means Muslims are forced to recognize Jesus as God, does not this exclude from Islam ?


One of the creeds of Christians is to recognize the crucifixion of Jesus to atone for inherited sins, when a Christian does not recognize Jesus has died on the cross, then the loss of his Christianity, meaning he is no longer a Christian, so according to the Christian faith he has disbelieved from Christianity.

Allah (SWT) has given his clear guidance that Jesus (PBUH) was neither killed nor crucified, but the one who was killed and crucified was someone who was similar to Jesus (PBUH).

and because of their saying,"We have killed the Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah," but they did not kill him nor crucify him, but he was likened to them. QS. 4:157

When Muslims admit or confirm that Prophet Isa (as) was crucified, it means that he expressly denies the guidance of Allah SWT, and it means that he has contradicted the verses of Allah SWT, denying the verses of Allah SWT means removing him from Islam.

Is it possible for someone to believe that Jesus died on the cross while believing that Jesus was not crucified““, of course with a clear conscience and mind it will not be possible to believe that.

The above proves, it is impossible to say all religions are the same and true. Christians have the belief that Jesus died on the cross and Muslims believe the opposite, that Jesus was not killed nor crucified. That means Islam cannot say Christianity is the True Religion, and vice versa, nor can Christianity say Islam is the True Religion.

If the beliefs of Islam and Christianity about the crucifixion are very contradictory and cannot justify one another, then with what else postulate should say all religions are equal and correct and say every believer has the right to go to heaven “““ proven, the road to heaven is only one, and the other road to hell.


From the previous description, it is impossible to say that all religions are the same and true, and it is also impossible to say that adherents of other religions have the right to enter paradise.

Whether the group that says all religions are the same and true does not know the proposition, they know very well, but, apparently, their conscience is inferior to their desires.

Whereas Allah SWT has reminded us, that only Islam is his approved religion, which means that other religions are his wrath :

The only religion with Allah is Islam. QS. 3:19

If all religions are the same and true : then it is not wrong that a person who does not have time to pray five times and pray Jum”at, replace it with going to church to follow the service on Sunday, or vice versa for Christians who do not have time to go to church on Sunday because they want a holiday, he can join the Jum”at prayer instead of the service. And no longer need, all the way to Makkah for the Hajj, simply replaced to go to BALI to follow the NYEPI ceremony, after which stop by kuta beach to sunbathe. :)

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