Senin, 24 April 2023

Why Indonesia has never been a great country


"The Red and White has been faded by the nation's own children."

A great nation is a nation that appreciates the services of its heroes, said Bung Karno. However, this nation always forgets the services of its predecessors, the government's appreciation of veterans is minimal. In fact, it is not uncommon for heroes who once sacrificed their property and lives, to now live poorly and often stranded.

Ilyas Karim, a veteran of the war of independence and also a witness to the raising of the umbrella flag on August 17, 1945, now lives far from prosperity. Now he lives on borrowed land, in a dense village on the outskirts of the Jabodetabek railroad in the Kalibata area. His borrowed house measures 10×7 meters and is painted a dull blue. Originally he lived in the Siliwangi Dormitory, which in 1982 he was evicted from without replacement money, the location now stands the Ministry of Finance office, as quoted from the Revelation Room Blog.

Now his income only comes from TNI AD class A pension, amounting to 1.5 million per month, to live with his wife, although he should be entitled to an additional 500 thousand allowance as a veteran, the allowance cannot be taken because of existing regulations. He explained as reported in the blog.

Almost the same condition was also experienced by Suwarno, a veteran of the Seroja War in East Timor. The fight against Fretelin left a disability in his body, one leg had to be amputated, so that everyday he uses a cane to walk. The terminal in front of Wisma Seroja allows him to work as a security guard there, contributing to his daily living expenses. His wife also helps him with orders to assemble matches, which helps his finances.

Ngatijo, a Heiho veteran, lived in very simple conditions in Sleman Regency. The smoke of grenades and the whizzing sound of bullets that took turns repelling the Company in Semarang were almost impossible for him to enjoy. Despite his limitations, he still lived his life with enthusiasm. She did a number of jobs, from returning goats to becoming a masseuse, to raise her children.

Why does this country never appreciate their struggle, Indonesia is far from humanity. Its elites are only busy taking care of themselves and their groups. Heroes should be placed in the highest position. However, they are never noticed. This country has disobeyed the fighters who have sacrificed everything for the independence we enjoy now. Until now, there is no good intention of the government to improve their welfare, except for awards and ceremonies on August 17. The rest, nothing.

Referring to Bung Karno's statement, it is no wonder that Indonesia will never become a great country, because this nation has never appreciated the services of people who have risked their lives for freedom from colonial bondage. Compare, with developed countries. They, so appreciate the services of their heroes, various facilities are provided by the state. From houses, to old age allowances.

Our elites are more concerned about their own fate, wasting money on useless activities. Building luxuries plus extravagance on top of the struggles of people who have given their lives to the nation. Meanwhile, they rake in state money without regard for the environment and the next generation.

Gluttony and greed for power with a lack of sensitivity to thelaiin people, make our nation on the edge of the cliff. Bung Hatta once said, that "if authoritarianism and greed take hold of the leader, the country will sink into the ocean".

Hopefully with the turn of this new year, it will be a turning point for our country to become a great country and the ideals of our nation can be realized. more appreciative of the services of the heroes who have made and made our country free from the shackles of colonialism.

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