
The Secret Age Of The Prophet Khidr

 It turns out there is a secret that causes the Prophet Khidr as is still alive today. This is the will of God.

This story was narrated by ATS-TSA'labi of Imam Ali ra.

Our faith is in God, and if God wills it, he will do it. No one can stop him.

Here's The Story.

In the old days there lived a servant of Allah SWT who preferred to himself by becoming a king. He is the King of Iskandar Zulkarnaen, whose name has been mentioned in the Qur'an.

In the year 322 BC, King Iskandar Zulkarnaen intends to travel around the Earth and Allah SWT sent one of his Angels named Rofa'il to accompany him on the long journey.

Dialogue of Angels and King Iskandar Zulkarnaen.

The angel of the Lord, the angel of the Lord, spoke to him many times. One of the most famous questions is about the worship of the Angels in the sky.

"O Angel Of The Lord, tell me about the worship of the Angels who are in heaven," asked King Zulkarnaen.

"The Angels who are in heaven worship there who stand not lift their heads forever, some are prostrating not lift their heads forever, some are bowing not lift their heads forever," said Angel Rofa'il.

"Oh, how glad I would be if I could live for many years to worship Allah SWT," said King Zulkarnaen.

"O king, indeed Allah has created a source of water on Earth. His name is Ainul Hayat, meaning the source of Living Water. So whoever drinks a sip of water, then he will not die until the day of judgment or if he asks Allah SWT to be killed, " said Angel Rofa'il.

"Do you know where the Angel Of Death is?"asked the King.

"The Earth is in darkness," said The Angel.

After King Zulkarnaen heard the narration of the angel Rofa'il about Ainul Hayat, then the King immediately gathered the scholars at that time. Earlier, the King asked them about the location of Ainul Hayat, but they all answered did not know.

"Do you know where the soul is?"asked the King.

"We do not know, O sire, but Allah is all-knowing," replied one of the scholars.

Unexpectedly, from the question of King Zulkarnaen, there was one scholar who was able to answer even though it was not as detailed as it was located.

"Indeed, I have read In The Testament of Prophet Adam (PBUH) that he said that Allah SWT put Ainul Hayat in the dark earth," said the cleric.

"Where is the dark earth?"asked the King.

"That is where the sun rises," replied the scholar.

Then King Zulkarnaen ordered his guards to prepare all the needs to find and come to the place of Ainul Hayat.

"What horse has such keen eyesight in the dark?"asked the King.

"A virgin mare," replied The Companions.

Finally the King gathered a thousand Virgin mares and he chose among his 6 thousand soldiers who were clever and skilled in whipping. Among the soldiers, there is a prophet named Khidr as, even he served as prime minister at that time.

A Journey In Search Of Life.

When all was considered sufficient and ready, then departed King Zulkarnaen and the Prophet Khidr as ebrjalan in front of the troops. After a long search, they finally find out where the sun rises.

Then they headed towards the sun.

The journey to temnpat takes 12 years to reach the dark earth. It is not as dark as the night, but as dark as the smoke.

King Zulkarnaen was impatient to enter the dark place, but one of the scholars prevented him. The soldiers said to the King,

"O King of kings, none of the previous Kings entered this dark place, because this dark place is dangerous."

"O soldiers, we must enter it, no way," rebuked the King.

Since the King insisted on entering, No one dared to forbid him.

"Shut up and wait here for 12 years. If I can come to you in that time, then my coming to you is good. And if I do not come in 12 years, then go back to your land kemabli, " said the King.

After that the King approached and asked the angel Rofa'il,

"When we pass through this dark place, will we be able to see our friends?"

"Can't see," replied The Angel.

"But I will give you a pearl or a pearl. If the Pearl is on the Earth, then the Pearl can emnjerit with a loud voice, so that your friends who have lost their way can return to you, " explained Angel Rofa'il further.

Enter the life of Anon.

Thus, finally King Iskandar Zulkarnaen entered the dark place. For 18 days I never saw the sun or the moon, never saw night or day. Never saw birds and wild animals, while the King walked accompanied by the Prophet Khidr as.

As they walked, ALlah SWT gave revelation to the Prophet Khidr as.

"Verily, the Ainul Hayat is on the right side of the abyss, and I have dedicated this Ainul Hayat to you."

After the Prophet Khidr received the revelation, he said to his companions,

"Stay in your places and do not leave your places until I come to you."

Then the Prophet Khidr as towards the right of the abyss until he found the Ainul Hayat. He got off his horse, took off his clothes and went down to the Ainul Ahaya. He took a bath and drank the Living Water and he felt that the water was sweeter than honey.

After bathing and drinking the water, he came out of the place and met King Iskandar Zulkarnaen. The King did not know what had happened to the Prophet Khidr.

XXX damn saya hanya seorang individu yang sedang memahami arti dari sebuah kehidupan, belajar akan manis dan pahitnya dunia dan merasakan arti dari sebuah keluarga dan sahabat tentunya seorang kekasih yang kelak akan jadi ibu dari anak-anak saya.

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