Senin, 24 April 2023


Sexual deviant behavior occurs because of the distribution of sexual desire that is not as common as usual. Where, someone is more interested in sexual activity in ways and objects that are different / deviate from what is reasonable.

Disorders of deviant sexual behavior is divided into two types of distribution, namely :


This disorder is a person's personal appreciation of the wrong type/ gender role. Where, he feels trapped in the wrong body so he tends to live more with the opposite sex than the sex he has.

This disorder is also called transsexual where a man lives more as a woman, and vice versa, where a woman lives more as a man. Examples of this disorder are transvestites, sexual homosexuals such as gays and lesbians. Causes of gender identity disorder are: gender identification errors in childhood development (Phallic phase, 3-5 years, according to Freud)parentak rejection and wrong parenting.


Paraphilia is an individual who has a sexual pattern that is channeled to objects that are not appropriate or unusual / unusual types of paraphilia, among others :

a. Fetishism.

The existence of a person's interest in a particular part of the body or certain objects/objects, such as being interested in hands, underwear, jewelry, perfume, or other objects that exist in the opposite sex. Sex behavior dilatampilkannya form of kissing, licking and smelling objects he likes while masturbating/masturbation.

b. Trasvestic Fetishism.

The existence of sexual prilku by wearing clothes of different genders and then behaving as if he is of that gender so that he will feel his sexual satisfaction. The sufferers are mostly men.

c. Voyeurism.

A person gets sexual satisfaction by peeping at people who are doing sexual intercourse, while peeping he will do masturbation or masturbation.

d. Exhibitionism.

Where to perform sexual activities by showing or showing off their genitals to other people or to the opposite sex who do not recognize at an unexpected time in a public Place (Market, mall, Cinema, highway, vehicle, etc.). He shows off his genitals while doing mastubration, but will more often with just enough to show it off he will feel satisfaction if others who see him angry, screaming or shouting in shock.

e. Sadism.

Conduct sexual activity by torturing or behaving cruelly towards their partner first. By hitting, biting, licking, slapping, pinching, which is done as foreplay. After the partner moans in pain then he just did the actual sexual activity.

f. Masocism.

Someone who tends to like torture as a warm-up / foreplay before intercourse. In contrast to sadistic behavior, here the object of torture is himself. He asked his wife to be raped, tortured, whipped, hurt first. Only after he feels pain, bruising, bleeding, then he will have sex with optimal sensation.

g. Pedophilia.

The object of his sexual attraction is a small child and sex, which is carried out by manipulating the child's genitals. It can be fellatio/from the mouth or sodomy/through the anus. Most pedophiles are men of mature age and usually they tend to be individuals who have experienced sex abuse/sodomy during childhood. A normal man who is married can also be a pedophile. The victim is usually not forced, but persuaded slowly.

h. Zoophilia.

A person who engages in sexual activity with animals, can be any animal. In normal individuals, at first doing only for sex variations but there are also those who become addicted / addict.

i. Frotenrisme.

A person who performs sexual activities by rubbing / stimulating his genitals such as masturbation in men and mastubration i

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