

Understanding The Dynamics Of The Group

Group dynamics is a group consisting of two/more individuals who have a clear psychological relationship between members of one another and take place in the situation experienced. Group dynamics consists of the words dynamics and group. The word Dynamics comes from the word dynamic which means moving and the word Group which means a group of people who gather and interact and have a common goal.

The members of the group are bound by one rule in both speech and behavior (interaction) about something that seems valuable (purpose). By interaction arises mutual influence between one individual with another individual or individual with the group as a whole.

Group dynamics is seen as a technique of relating between people, with the intention that the quality of individual relationships in the group can lead to positive behavior change. This is done through an andragogical approach where participants are more actively participating in a training program ( diklat).

In the implementation of this group dynamics provides more opportunities for participants to experience or carry out activities to solve a problem that is recreational, then the process in a training is replaced with material that is adapted to the training that will be carried out.

The Role Of Group Dynamics

The functions of group dynamics include:

Create mutually beneficial cooperation groups in terms of overcoming life problems.

Facilitate the work.

Solve work problems that require problem solutions and reduce the burden of work that is too large to be completed more quickly, efficiently and effectively. One of them is by dividing a large work to adjust the parts of the group on each (according to expertise).

Creating a democratic climate in community life by allowing each individual to provide input, interact, and have a high school role in society.

Types Of Social Groups

A social group is a social unit consisting of two or more individuals who carry out social interactions and there is a division of tasks, structures and norms that exist.

Primary Groups

It is a social group in which there is social interaction whose members know each other closely, and are closely related in life. While according to Goerge Homans, primary groups are a number of people who often communicate with others, so that each person can communicate directly (face to face) without passing through intermediaries. Contphnya: family, playmates, RT, religious groups, etc.

Secondary Groups

When social interaction occurs indirectly, far apart, and less familial nature. Relationships that occur are generally objective. For example: perhimpinan trade unions, political parties and others.

Formal Groups

In the group, it is characterized by the existence of articles of association or regulations, existing articles of Association (ART). Its members are appointed by the organization. Examples of such groups are all associations that have AD / ART.

Informal Groups

It is a group that grows out of the process of interaction, a person's need, attraction. Group membership is generally irregular and membership is determined by the mutual attraction of individuals and groups. There was a clear but infirmal division of tasks and only based on kinship and sympathy. In other words: Groupon.

Characteristics Of Group Dynamics

The group can be called sisoal group, if it has characteristics such as this bibawah:

Have the same motives between individuals with each other. (including the ability to work together to achieve the same goal)

There are consequences of different iteraksi between individuals with each other (the consequences are caused depending on the taste and skills of individuals who are late)

The establishment of the structure or organization of the group and a clear assignment dsan teradiri of roles and positions in each.

There is an affirmation of the norms of guidelines for the level of behavior of group members that regulate interaction in an activity of group members to achieve a common goal.

Strengths and weaknesses in the group

In the process of group dynamics there are factors that can inhibit or facilitate the process in the form of advantages or disadvantages in the group.

Group Advantages

There is openness between group members to receive and provide information and opinions of other members.

Willingness of group members to put the interests of the group first by suppressing personal interests

Have the ability of group members to prioritize the interests of the group by applying pressure

The ability to emotionally express the rules and has been agreed upon by the group.

Disadvantages Of Groups

Weaknesses in the group can be caused due to the assignment time, place or distance of group members who are far apart which can affect the quality and quantity of meetings.

Processes In Group Dynamics

Working in groups is not the only way to work effectively. For certain people sometimes do not require cooperation in completing a job. But sometimes a job because of its nature is better when completed through cooperation. There are several considerations ASA person working alone to complete a job.

These considerations include: the nature of the work that is more effective when completed alone, urgent time, responsibility and limited resources. While someone chooses to work in groups with consideration of the benefits that can be taken if the work is completed in groups, namely :

1. Risks associated with work

2. There are more sources

3. There is a learning process from members of Group

4. Individual weaknesses are overcome by Group

5. Problem solving and decision making skills can be better.

In order for a common goal to be achieved, the group must work effectively. An effective group is a group that can solve problems together or can realize a mutually agreed goal.

Activities In Group Dynamics

There are five topics that are carried out in group dynamics, namely :

1. Self-introduction

Self-knowledge means knowing and understanding oneself , both in its potential and ways of empowering and developing that potential as well as understanding one's own shortcomings and weaknesses.

Self-knowledge is the first step to become a successful individual in interacting with their environment. As social beings we really need to be accepted, liked and needed by the group and its environment. For this reason, each individual is required to always adjust to the wishes of the group.

2. Introduction Of Others

If in our self-identification efforts we are more looking for weaknesses and shortcomings that exist in ourselves, then in the process of identifying others more trying to recognize the positive side in order to make the best use of our abilities, so as not to interfere in adapting to the group.

Efforts to get to know others can be done by paying attention to the behavior, style and movements as well as the appearance of each activity. In addition, it can also be done by seeking information about the person from people who know him well.

In this group dynamics activity, there are many opportunities for participants to interact to get to know each other and be open so that it will speed up the adjustment process and make the group a conducive group in achieving common goals.

3. Communication

Communication is the core of the relationship between people in the group. The communication process can take place well and effectively if there is a common understanding between the communicator as the sender of the message and the communicant as the recipient of the message about the idea or information conveyed. In order to be effective, the information to be conveyed must meet the 5 C's, namely : Clear ( Clear), Complete (complete), Concise (concise), Correct ( correct) and Corteous (polite).

4. Group Cooperation

In essence, cooperation is the foundation for the existence of the group. Cooperation takes place in all group processes from beginning to end, where each member of the group interacts, communicates and participates. Each individual has a role and activities in accordance with their abilities in order to achieve common goals.

Life in a group both formal and non-formal, small and large groups, professional and social groups, if not based on cooperation between members of the group then this group will be dead or disbanded.

This effort to create group cooperation is a condition for the achievement of Group goals. By equalizing the perception and armed with the potential to unite the individual's ability, it is expected that the group will run harmoniously towards the specified target.

5. Norms (rules) Group

Group norms are ways of seeing or perceiving something that is shared by the group in the form of attitudes, values and rules of the game together. Group norms are necessary in order to provide direction and content about how group members interact and behave. This group norm creates a group goal in the form of consensus, guidelines or regulations.

Whatever the form of this group norm always exists within the group, because this norm will affect the behavior of individuals in the group. Activities in this group dynamic are generally in the form of games or discussions to solve a problem.

To avoid saturation of participants in the training, we provide games that are interesting but have a reflection or philosophy of how the process should be in the group in solving a problem.

XXX damn saya hanya seorang individu yang sedang memahami arti dari sebuah kehidupan, belajar akan manis dan pahitnya dunia dan merasakan arti dari sebuah keluarga dan sahabat tentunya seorang kekasih yang kelak akan jadi ibu dari anak-anak saya.

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